Ivan Zhou

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Paper Explained - LAION-5B

What is LAION-5B and why is this work needed?

Recently, multimodal models have shown unprecedented breakthroughs in vision and language tasks. For example, OpenAI’s CLIP model improved the top-1 accuracy by 11.5% in zero-shot image classification on ImageNet. However, this capability is not accessible for all — CLIP was trained on 400M proprietary image-text pairs that are not publicly available. It means researchers outside of OpenAI won’t be able to reproduce CLIP’s performance or improve it.

Before LAION-5B, the largest public dataset with English image-text pairs has 100M examples. LAION-5B dataset brings this number up 20x and provide ~6B English as well as non-English image-text examples. It further push the scale of open datasets for researchers for training and studying state-of-the-art language and vision models. Early experiment results already show that this scale gives strong boost to the performance of few-shot learning and robustness.

Random examples from LAION-5B

What is covered by the paper?

The paper covers three main topics:

  • Data generation pipeline

  • The main dataset and the sub-datasets

  • The research and application work that built on top of the dataset

Data Generation Pipeline

  1. Start from Common Crawl: focus on images with an alt-text

    • Alt-text is an HTML attribute of IMG tags containing alternative text for description.

  2. Download images from parsed URLs

  3. Cleaning

    • Remove images of small size or small alt-text

    • Compute cosine similarities between the image and text encoding and remove pairs with < 0.28 cosine similarity.

  4. Classifying

    • Perform language detection to classify alt-text into English, another language, or no detected language.

    • Tag images with inappropriate content

A flowchart of the data acquisition pipeline from LAION-5B’s website.

The main datasets and subdatasets

The main LAION-5B contains three subsets:

  • 2.3 B images with texts in English

  • 2.3 B images with texts in other languages

  • 1.3 B images with language undetected.

I did some search in LAION-5B with common objects (“cat”) to less common ones (“screw”, “suitcase”, and “Andrew Ng”). Categories like “cat” show a big variety of contents, from real cat photos to hand-drawing ones, with a diversity of details and styles. Categories like “screw” and “suitcase” seem to be parsed from shopping websites.

Search in LAION-5B with query “cat”

Search in LAION-5B with query “screw”

Search in LAION-5B with query “briefcase”

Search in LAION-5B with query “Andrew Ng”. Lots of images are profile pictures of his courses.


LAION-5B is a massive dataset, so it is technically challenging to iterate on. From this large pool of image-text pairs, the research team also curated a few sub-datasets for specific purposes:

  • LAION-400M: used to reproduce CLIP, relatively easy for trying and experimentation.

  • LAION-High-Resolution: 170M images to train superresolution models.

  • LAION-Aesthetic: 120M images considered to be aesthetic.

Examples from the LAION-Aesthetic dataset

Research built on LAION datasets

CLIP Reproduction

The motivation for LAION is to build a massive public dataset that can enable research like CLIP. Therefore, the research team trained OpenCLIP with LAION-400M to validate the data collection pipeline they have built.

One thing to note is that the experiment took up to 400 NVIDIA A100 GPUs to train these models.

Zero-Shot accuracy of OpenCLIP model trained on LAION-400M vs. the OpenAI’s GLIP models.

Zero-Shot Classification

One thing that really interests me is the capability of zero-shot classification. It illustrates how well a model pretrained on LAION dataset can be used for transfer learning.

Specifically, for each downstream dataset:

  • Each image will be passed through the image encoder to get their image embedding.

  • Each class is represented with a set of pre-defined prompts. Its text embedding is defined as the average value over the embedding on the prompts.

  • The image will be classified as the class whose embedding has the largest cosine similarity with the image embedding.

Few-shot performance of models pertained on LAION subsets on different benchmarks.

In addition to these, LAION-5B has been used to train the latest stable diffusion models for image inpainting and image synthesis.


I am excited about the open release of LAION-5B and a series of its subsets. This is one step towards democratizing the ability to train large-scale vision and language models. Researchers now have access to this open dataset to train multi-modal models and transfer them to a variety of downstream tasks. We have already seen vision and language models being used for generating synthetic chest X-rays, content moderation, image search, robotic manipulation, and etc. Look forward to seeing a proliferation of foundational research as well as industrial applications coming from this open dataset.

See this social icon list in the original post

Generated from DALL-E with prompt: “An astronaut lounging in a tropical resort in space, futuristic“