
My First Week of CS330 at Stanford

My First Week of CS330 at Stanford

Meta Learning is one of the promising lines of work that aim to solve the small data problems in machine learning field. Currently, many people working on AI are thinking day and night about how to scale AI systems and improve their profit margins. One main challenge to solve is how to quickly build an AI model that reaches human-level performance on classes with only a few samples.

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About Future Telling, PhD Degree, and Self-Evolving

About Future Telling, PhD Degree, and Self-Evolving

He wants to establish a thought framework, through years’ work on the cutting-edge technology in the field, to evaluate problems from the core and foresee the probability of coming trends. The vision can help a person to go beyond a high performing and productive programmer, but become a leader who can form a team and find the right point to make disruptions.

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