By externalizing your personal pursuits and hobbies into public-facing works, you can receive motivations, feedbacks, and even critics that are all essential to push you to relentlessly focus your resources into the area, polish your skillsets, and receive fast personal growth. As individuals, we all have limitations, weaknesses, and biases, introducing the public audition to our work help us to leverage the power and intelligence from the public to improve ourselves.
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Today I had a conversation with my team lead. I asked him what I should do to fit into the team further, given my capabilities and what resources the team will need in the long run. Instead of giving me a straight-forward answer, my lead drew two plots on the wall.
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He wants to establish a thought framework, through years’ work on the cutting-edge technology in the field, to evaluate problems from the core and foresee the probability of coming trends. The vision can help a person to go beyond a high performing and productive programmer, but become a leader who can form a team and find the right point to make disruptions.
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